8 h 45 – 8 h 50 : Introduction

8 h 50 – 9 h 25 : Naoki Aizawa (University of Wisconsin-Madison) “Dynamic Pricing Regulation and Welfare in Insurance Markets”

9 h 25 – 9 h 45 : Discussions : Karen Kopecky (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta); Sebastian Fleitas (University of Leuven)

9 h 45 – 9 h 55 : Questions

9 h 55 – 10 h 05 : Pause

10 h 05 – 10 h 40 : Cormac O’Dea (Yale University), “Efficiency in Household Decision Making: Evidence from the Retirement Savings of US Couples”

10 h 40 – 11 h 00 : Discussions : John Bailey Jones (Federal Reserve of Richmond); Pierre-Carl Michaud (HEC Montréal)

11 h 00 – 11 h 10 : Questions

11 h 10 – 11 h 20 : Pause

11 h 20 – 11 h 55 : Martin B. Hackmann (University of California Los Angeles), “Public Moral Hazard and the Incidence of Medicaid Spending”

11 h 55 – 12 h 15 : Discussions : Laura Lasio (McGill University); Corina Mommaerts (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

12 h 15 – 12 h 25 : Questions

12 h 25 – 12 h 30 : Conclusion

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