In a society that is increasingly educated in terms of formal education, numeracy and technology, all generations, children and adults must each adapt according to their abilities to this reality to avoid falling behind and to be excluded with regards to the different spheres of life. This is even more the case in a context where technology is taking up more and more space.
The chair team will focus on the study of the competencies of children and adults, including:
- the development of children’s cognitive and non-cognitive skills; the link between the family environment and the well-being of children; the effects of school quality on children’s outcomes;
- educational mobility; human capital formation (primary and secondary education), school fees; empirical evaluations of public policies regarding daycare, parental leave and family credits; the impacts of family policies in Quebec and Canada;
- financial and economic literacy from school age; developing strategies to promote literacy from school to adulthood;
- the study of the effects of public policies on educational inequalities and the intergenerational transmission of human capital.