The first CREEi analysis note is now available online.

The analytical note #2021-01, entitled “Vieillissement de la population et finances publiques” and co-authored by Nicholas-James Clavet, Pierre-Carl Michaud and Julien Navaux, assesses the effect of aging on Quebec’s public finances until 2060.

For the year 2040 alone, the results show in particular that the aging of the population will lead, for the Quebec government, to an increase in expenditures of 24.7% and a decrease in revenues of 7.4% compared to a scenario without aging.

The analysis notes, a new monthly series intended for a non-exclusively academic audience, are short and concise publications. Officially titled “Note d’analyse,” and published in French only, they aim at answering, in accessible language, specific questions related to the themes studied by the Chair.

To read the note, click here.