The Canadian and Quebec labour market has been facing a challenge of labor scarcity for several years which has increased in certain areas with the covid-19 pandemic. In addition, this occurs in an uncertain context characterized by the aging of the population, unprecedented technological advances and the establishment of teleworking. Therefore, the labour market deserves special attention in the coming years. The Chair thus intends to study the specificities and transitions of the labour market and their implications in an intergenerational dimension.

The study of transitions of experienced workers in the labour market, with emphasis on the following aspects:

  • the impact of education on the labor market, including the returns to education (formal education and numeracy, literacy and technology (e.g. AI) skills) on the labour market; intergenerational transmission of income;
  • the specific dynamics linked to self-employment and the evolution of their income; the study of labour scarcity in Quebec and Canada, highlighting the role of guaranteed minimum income and the minimum wage; life cycle transitions in the labour market;
  • the role of regional mobility and migration in the labour market;
  • labor market transitions and caregivers, work-family balance; caregivers in society; informal and formal care markets.