Video in French (English subtitles available)

  • Survey fielded in May 2020 by Delvinia’s AskingCanadians web panel, on behalf of the chair, of the Retirement and Savings Institute and of the Center for Interuniversity Research on Organizations (CIRANO)
  • 3,009 respondents from Quebec, aged between 25 and 64 years old
  • Questions on
    • Sociodemographic characteristics
    • Earnings and other income of the respondent and spouse as well as household spending, for 2019, for April 2020 and expectations for the rest of 2020
    • Balance sheet (assets and debts) as at end of 2019 and end of April 2020
    • Employment and its attributes in 2019, in April 2020 and expectations for the rest of 2020
    • Certain preferences and expectations for the future

Dataverse page to access the survey microdata

Related article in Le Devoir, May 30, 2020